IST/e Symposium 2013 on June 24th in Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Anna Vilanova invited us to join the first public IST/e (Imaging Science & Technology Eindhoven) symposium on June 24th in Eindhoven. The symposium will give an overview of the cross-divisional research on biomedical imaging carried out by the IST/e consortium of Eindhoven University of Technology. In addition, keynote speakers from Harvard Medical School, Imperial College London and University of Auckland will give presentations within the research scope of IST/e. The symposium is free of charge and open to anyone interested (subject to a maximum of 75 participants, “first come, first serve”).

The program features three internationally renowned keynote speakers, one for each IST/e application theme:

The invitation and final program for the Imaging Science & Technology Eindhoven (IST/e) Symposium 2013 can be found here and here. Please register (free of charge) as soon as posisble by sending an email to