Visualising Medical Heritage and Innovation – Meet the Experts

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow is taking part in an exciting event during British Science Week, in collaboration with the University of Glasgow’s Anatomy Facility, and Glasgow Science Centre. On 16th March, Visualising Medical Heritage and Innovation – Meet the Experts will show how visualisation techniques such as 3D photography, 2D VR models, gaming and animation, can unlock the stories of scientific innovation, the evolution of medical and surgical care, and the latest advances in anatomy teaching.

The event will celebrate Glasgow’s rich medical heritage through world-famous figures such as Joseph Lister and David Livingstone, and point the way to the latest innovations in surgical care. We will also show how medical heritage can be visualised using unexpected raw materials such as paper and poetry. The six stalls present on the day will take you on a journey from the state of medicine and surgery hundreds of years ago, to the exciting new technologies used today to save lives. Come and talk to medical historians, artists, surgeons, and anatomists to discover the innovations that have shaped the healthcare practice as we know it.

This event will take place at the Glasgow Science Centre from 10:00-12:00 on the 16th March 2018 and we are expecting a big, broad audience, including school children.