VCBM: virtual and free this year + call for image contest submissions!

The premier workshop venue for biomedical visualization research VCBM is already celebrating it’s 10th anniversary this year! We are happy to share the following information from the chairs:

“10th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM 2020) September 28 – October 1, 2020 (virtual workshop)

As VCBM is held virtually this year due to COVID-19, the registration is free for all participants (visit to register). This year, VCBM is held jointly with VMV (the 25th International Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization) and DAGM GCPR (the 42nd German Conference on Pattern Recognition). All talks will be live-streamed and there will be ample opportunities for discussions and scientific exchange.

For the 10th anniversary of EG VCBM, we are happy to announce an exciting program with high-profile keynote speakers, research paper presentations, industry talks, a joint panel discussion together with VMV, a free half-day tutorial on game engines for visualization on Monday, posters, and an image contest. For the latter, we would like to invite you to submit your images related to computational biology and medicine – visualizations, photorealistic and non-photorealistic renderings, computer generated and hand-drawn illustrations are all welcome. A jury will select the best submission to receive the VCBM Image Award, and the conference participants will select the People’s Choice Award. All the accepted submissions will be displayed in a virtual gallery on the VCBM webpage. The deadline for the submission is September 20, 2020. For more information and submission instructions, please visit:

We are also happy to announce that there will be again an open call for submissions to the Computers and Graphics Journal (C&G) Special Section on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM) after the workshop. Besidesoriginal research, system, and survey papersthat summarize and expand the state of the art in visual computing with a strong focus on applications to biology and medicine, we explicitly want to invite significantly extended and revised versions of full papers, surveys, or posters presented at the VCBM 2020 (full papers are expected to contain at least 30% of additional material).

We hope to see you all at virtual DAGM GCPR | VMV | VCBM 2020! For more information, see!

the General Chairs of VCBM 2020:
Michael Krone (University of Tübingen, Germany)
and Kay Nieselt (University of Tübingen, Germany)”