3 Open PhD Positions at the University of Bergen, Norway

The Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen has three open PhD positions. The announcement broadly covers all research areas of the department, but this includes biomedical visualization in the Bergen Visgroup!

They are looking for motivated individuals who wish to pursue cutting-edge visualization research in a stimulating and dynamic international environment. The Bergen VisGroup perform research in a broad range of topics including scientific visualization, information visualization, and visual analytics also in collaboration with a number of application domains such as medicine, biology, geosciences, physics, and chemistry (see https://vis.uib.no/ for more information).

These are fully-funded positions with a gross annual salary of NOK 491K (approx. EUR 50K).

The application deadline is May 22, 2022.

Official announcement and online application:

Research Associate for visual analytics of heterogeneous medical data in Hannover, Germany

The Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics (PLRI) of TU Braunschweig and Hannover Medical School (MHH) offers a position as Research Associate for visual analytics of heterogeneous medical data (Full Position, TV-L) (f/m/d) at the Hannover site, to be filled as soon as possible. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to get involved in various projects, e.g. in cardiology, hematology, oncology and radiology, and to focus on specific steps of the process from data extraction from multiple clinical systems over analyzing and improving data quality, data mapping and transformation to data analysis and visualization. All projects serve the overarching goal of clinical decision support and are carried out in close cooperation with physicians and the data integration center of the MHH.

Further information can be found here.

The application deadline is the 19th of May, 2022. Do not hesitate to contact Steffen Oeltze-Jafra (oeltze-jafra.steffen@mh-hannover.de) for further information!

Two PostDoc positions to explore the world of molecules and omics at IBPC in Paris, France!

Marc Baaden is seeking two post-doctoral fellows to start immediately in his lab. His lab is focused on the development of novel approaches for interactive visualization of molecular structures, including using UnityMol to create 3D user interfaces and Virtual Reality applications. The positions will involve the development of novel software components for high throughput molecular visualization, as well as challenging biological applications. They are looking for someone that is passionate about Molecular Biology who also has skills in computer programming and graphics design. See more details at the following links:

More information about the institute and work environment is described through a series of short videos with testimonials and overviews.

Phd and PostDoc position in Computerized Clinical Decision Support at PLRI, Hannover Medical School, Germany

Do you want to contribute to changing the healthcare of the future? Are you interested in computer-assisted decision-making for diagnosis and therapy? Would you like to tackle the challenges associated with computerized clinical decision support such as generating explainable and interpretable underlying models, quantification and communication of uncertainty, providing visual guidance in decision model building, model maintenance, and integration of decision support into the clinical workflow?

If your answer is yes, apply for a PhD or a PostDoc position at the Peter L. Reichertz Institute (PLRI) for Medical Informatics, a joint institute of TU Braunschweig and Hannover Medical School (MHH), Germany. You will become part of a newly formed group embedded in a large, highly-motivated, international research team at PLRI, one of the largest university-based centers for medical informatics located in one of Europe’s most research-intensive regions.

Interested applications should check out the links below for more details:

The application deadline for both positions is November 28th, 2021

PhD position in Biomedical Visualization and VA at TU Wien, Austria!

There is an open PhD position at the Visualization Group of TU Wien (Austria) in the area of Biomedical Visualization and Visual Analytics. The Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology, research unit Computer Graphics at TU Wien is offering a position as university assistant (prae-doc) for 4 years for 30 hours/week. Expected start: September 2021. Interested applications should take a look at the application details here!

The application deadline is July 29th, 2021.

Open positions at TU/e, the Netherlands!

The visualization cluster at TU/e in the Netherlands is hiring!

There is a vacancy for assistant or associate professor in the visualization cluster at TU/e for data visualization researchers looking for an academic career. Please find more details here and apply by April 30th, 2021.

In addition, they are looking for a PhD candidate that wants to develop new methods on the cross-border between Visual Analytics, Medical Image analysis, and ExplainableAI. The candidate will be developing new Visual Analytical methods for the understanding  of medical image analysis models for accurate segmentation and 3D reconstruction of coronary vessels and stents based on 2D X-rays. The work of the PhD should result in better models that will be more easily deployed in the clinic.. Please find more details about this position here and apply by May 31st, 2021.

Open PhD positions in biomedical visualization at TU Wien, Austria!

Five Ph.D. Positions in Visualization

We’ve received word that there are currently five open PhD positions at the Visualization Group of TU Wien (Austria) in Computer Science in the area of (Biomedical) Visualization and Visual Computing:

The application deadline is April 22nd, 2021.

Open PhD positions in medical visualization at VRVis, Austria!

Currently, VRVis in Austria, is looking to fill several exciting positions in medical visualization. VRVis is Austria’s leading research center in the field of visual computing focusing on innovative application-oriented research and development projects. They are currently hiring:

Brain* https://www.vrvis.at/en/products-solutions/products-licenses/brain

In addition, they are also looking for a PhD candidate (f/m/d) in Computer Vision/AR/Signal Processing. Check out the links for more detailed information!

PostDoc position in (Medical) Visualization and Visual Computing at TU Wien, Austria

The Visualization Group at TU Wien (Austria) has an open PostDoc position in Computer Science in the area of (Medical) Visualization and Visual Computing. The successful candidate will be involved in research and teaching activities of the group and will be able to pursue her/his research interests.

The position is for a duration of 6 years, with an earliest starting date in September 2020. The application deadline is the 13th August 2020. Please check out the official announcement for further details.

PostDoc position in brain imaging research at Linköping University, Sweden

The team at Linköping University, Sweden is recruiting a a post doc for brain imaging research related to brain-gut interactions in Irritable bowel syndrome.

They offer a possibility to work in a multidisciplinary team, which has been investigating brain-gut mechanisms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) since many years. The team has been using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging, including MR spectroscopy together with clinical data, analysis of gut barrier function, blood samples, and questionnaires on mood and behaviour. In 2020, they are planning a new intervention study. If you want to know more about the project, you can contact Maria Engström (maria.engstrom@liu.se) or Susanna Walter (susanna.walter@liu.se) for more information. The application deadline is the 21st of February, 2020.

Thanks for the tip, Daniel Jönsson!
