Three open PhD positions + 1 Postdoc in Informatics at the University of Bergen (Norway)

Best wishes for the new year from the team!

The Informatics department at the University of Bergen, Norway, currently has four interesting job opportunities. They are looking to hire three PhDs and a Postdoc. I can tell you firsthand now, that this is a really awesome place to work with a lot of awesome people :)! The exact topic of the PhDs will be decided on with the advisors, but biomedical visualization, visual analytics and visual computing are among the list of possible topics. More information on the PhD job openings is avalaible here, while you can read more about the Postdoc job opening here. The application deadline will be the 1st of March 2017, so there is ample time to prepare your application. Be sure to indicate your (biomedical) visualization research preferences in there as well, and apply directly via the Jobbnorge links above.

Two open PhD positions in Visualization at the University of Bergen (Norway)

We have received word from Veronika Solteszova that the University of Bergen is looking for two PhD students in the Department of Informatics. The exact topic of the PhD will be decided on with the advisor, but biomedical, visual analytics and visual computing are among the list of possible topics. More information about the position is available here. You can read all about the full advertisement and apply online here. The application deadline is the 1st of April 2016 (no joke!), so do not delay and apply now if you are interested in this amazing opportunity to work in one of the most awesome visualization groups in the world! 

PhD position available at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany

The Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg in Germany has an open position for a PhD Student in Computer Graphics, AR / VR at the Computer-Assisted Surgery group at the Faculty of Computer Science. The research focus is the image guided minimal invasive therapy, especially the development of visualization and interaction techniques for Augmented / Virtual Reality.

Check out the full job description and apply here. The application deadline is the 10th of October, so don’t delay and start sending in those applications!

Open PhD position at Aviz-Inria (France)

There is an open position for a PhD at Aviz-Inria in France. They are looking for someone to work on a project on the interesting topic of Structural and Functional Visualization of Brain Connectivity. The project combines the best of both worlds with a mix scivis and infovis approaches. Does this sound like your type of project? If so, keep in mind the application deadline is August 1, 2015 and start working on your application. More information on the project and the position can be found in this pdf.

Open PhD position: Visualization at the University of Bergen (Norway)

We have received word from Bilal Alsallakh that the University of Bergen is looking for a PhD student in visualization. The exact topic of the PhD will be decided on with the advisor, but biomedical, visual analytics and visual computing are among the list of possible topics. More information about the position is available here. Alternatively you can skip to the full advertisement here and a factsheet here. The application deadline is the June 1, 2015, so do not delay and apply now if you are interested in this amazing opportunity. 

VAnPIRe PostDoc position still open at TU Delft (The Netherlands)

Previously, we reported on two open positions in the context of the VAnPIRe, Visual Analysis in Population Imaging Research, project. The PhD position has since been filled, but the PostDoc is still open. More information about the position can be found here. The closing date is at the end of the month, so apply now if you’re interested!

Software Engineer job opening at Clinical Graphics in Delft, the Netherlands

Clinical Graphics, a fast-growing medical visualization company, is currently looking for a Software Engineer to join their team. From their job description: “We make software for the analysis of medical 3D scans of hips and shoulders. This software is used by the company to provide online surgery plans to orthopedic surgeons. Surgeons can predict how well a patient will be able to move after surgery thanks to our analysis service. Surgeons from around the world are sending in their scans for us to analyse.

You will perform challenging development work on our diverse set of software applications, using various technologies. It should be noted that although we are pragmatic, we are not afraid to try out new technology stacks or software architectures.”

If you’re interested, check out their career page here and the full job description for more details here!

Open PhD and PostDoc positions: Visual Analysis in Population Imaging Research (VAnPIRe) @TUDelft (The Netherlands)

The TU Delft in the Netherlands currently has two open medvis research positions: there is room for a new PhD and a PostDoc. The PhD/PostDoc position will be part of the Population Imaging Genetics project (stw-imagene) that involves linking observations on the human genome to observations in imaging data. Novel, genome-wide sequencing approaches combined with large-scale population imaging studies open up unprecedented possibilities for discovering the cause of a disease and relating it to its anatomical and functional consequences.

The exact nature of the features (markers) that have the highest correlation with the clinical outcomes under study is by definition hard to predict. Due to the magnitude and heterogeneity of the data, as well as the nonspecific nature of the features that are being sought, this is a complex and laborious process.
We envision a new class of visual analysis techniques that enable the structured and interactive visual exploration of population imaging data. With these techniques, patterns and high-potential hypotheses can be flexibly derived from population imaging data, aiding both the derivation of insight and the search for predictive data features.

The main aim of this project is to develop and evaluate a new, interactive visual analysis approach that enables the extraction of patterns and high-potential hypotheses from the irregular and complex population imaging research data.
New insights into the mechanisms behind the clinical outcome of a population can be extracted by augmenting the human visual system with interactive visualization and coupled feature extraction techniques.

If you’d like to become my coworker, a VAnPIRe and/or work on this cool project, you can apply via the TUDelft vacancy pages: PhD – PostDoc

Assistant Professor in Medical Image Analysis position open at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

The Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden is looking for an Assistant Professor in Medical Image Analysis, because a new research group in medical image analysis is in the process of being established there. The focus of the group is on the development of new and more effective medical imaging methods and systems for visualization, support and diagnostics. Your goal would be to develop new methods for segmentation, registration and reconstruction problems for large-scale problems from multi-modal sensor data such as CT, MR and ultrasound. The research will cover basic mathematical aspects of imaging with focus on algorithms as well as the development of prototype systems.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please take a look here or here. The closing date for this job opening is May 12th, 2013.

PhD Candidate Position available in Hybrid Radiotherapy Planning at the UMC Utrecht (The Netherlands)

The University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht has a PhD candidate position available for four years. You would be working on real-time plan adaptations for a hybrid radiotherapy system. This system, developed between UMC Utrecht, in collaboration with Elektra and Philips, is the world’s first radiotherapy system integrated with a 1.5 T MRI scanner. The system can deliver radiation with mm accuracy while the target is visualized by MRI. The current project concerns the use of real-time MRI guidance for radiotherapy plan adaptations.

More information can be found here. The closing date for this job opening is March 2013. On this page more information about the project and sub-projects is available. From the looks of it, they actually have two positions available.