About two weeks ago, I was lucky enough to be able to attend Eurographics for the first (hopefully not the last!) time. While in general, there are more graphics than visualization topics presented, there was one tutorial that was highly relevant to my medical visualization interests, and potentially also yours. On the 10th of May, there was an amazing tutorial on Information Theory in Visualization. I will provide a short summary of what went down there: Continue reading
Two open PhD positions in Visualization at the University of Bergen (Norway)
Stefan Bruckner tipped us off that there are currently not one, but two (!) open PhD positions in the Bergen visualization group. The candidates will be working on the MetaVis project, which is funded by the Research Council of Norway: “The project aims to study the space of visualizations itself and how it can be efficiently and effectively navigated. The goal is to develop interactive visual methods to enable users in choosing appropriate visualization techniques for particular types of data and tasks. The topic for the PhD can be chosen within this broad range to suit the strengths and interests of the PhD candidate.” You know what this means for your medvis interests 🙂
There is more information here, as well as a flyer available here and you can apply for these excellent positions using Jobbnorge for the first position (application deadline 8th of June) and the second position (application deadline 8th of July).
EuroVis 2016 preview: What to see, what to wear?
Are you attending EuroVis 2016 in Groningen (the Netherlands) this year or even just want to know what’s up in terms of medvis action in this edition? I’ve got you covered with a preview of upcoming medical visualization-related that will be presented this year: Continue reading
Kai Lawonn wins the Eurographics PhD award 2016!
I’m reporting live from Eurographics 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal and I have got some exciting news for you! Since 2011, every year the Eurographics association awards the Best PhD Thesis Award to the theses with the highest quality and impact. The awarded researchers so far were mainly specialized in computer graphics and geometric modeling. Until now, that is, since this year, one of these highly prestigious award goes to…. Continue reading
Two open PhD positions in Visualization at the University of Bergen (Norway)
We have received word from Veronika Solteszova that the University of Bergen is looking for two PhD students in the Department of Informatics. The exact topic of the PhD will be decided on with the advisor, but biomedical, visual analytics and visual computing are among the list of possible topics. More information about the position is available here. You can read all about the full advertisement and apply online here. The application deadline is the 1st of April 2016 (no joke!), so do not delay and apply now if you are interested in this amazing opportunity to work in one of the most awesome visualization groups in the world!
Call for Participation: MedVis-Award 2016
The 7th “Karl-Heinz-Höhne Award for Visualization in Medicine” (in short medvis-award) is now accepting submissions. Besides eternal glory, the top contestants of this biannual competition will receive in total 1.000 EUR, donated by BrainLAB AG. You can only apply if you are a young scientist with a diploma thesis or with up to two publications (published or to be reviewed) in the field of medical visualization. Does this sound like you or someone you know? Find out more about the award here and check out previous winners here.
The submission deadline is the 4th of May (May the 4th be with you!) and the lucky winners will be receiving their award at VCBM 2016 in Bergen, Norway 🙂
Better than the rainbow: The Matplotlib alternative colormaps
I know our post on or rather against the use of rainbow colormaps is one of the most well-read on our blog. It gets referenced quite a bit and is even used in visualization lectures. It’s been a while since it was written though, and now it seems like a good time for an update featuring the beautiful alternative colormaps now included in Matplotlib. Let’s start with a little teaser image:

Two classics and the four new colormaps applied to medical data!
EuroRVVV 2016 Call for papers: It’s on!
Update: The submission deadline has been extended to March 4th due to popular demand!
The “call for papers” for the EuroRVVV (EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization) was released yesterday and this year it is focused on medical visualization! The topic is “From Medical Visualization Concepts to Certified Applications”. We hope that everyone gets excited about it and submits as many papers as possible until February 26th, 2016!
Further details and submission details can be found at: http://eurorvvv.org/
Announcing VCBM & MedViz 2016!
It’s no secret the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM) is one of my favorite events for some years already, all medical visualization all the time! Since last year, it turned into an annual workshop, which means we get to enjoy another VCBM in 2016 already, from the 7th of September until the 9th. This edition promises to be extra epic for several reasons, outlined below:
- It will be in Bergen, Norway. Bergen, for those of you that never visited, is a truly amazing city situated between majestic mountains and a beautiful harbor. You could do worse! “The Gateway to the Fjords of Norway”, people!
- Additionally, also speaking from personal experience, the Bergen Vis group is filled with awesome people that do great research.
- If this is still not convincing you of the epicness, next year the 10th annual Medviz conference will be held at the same time!
‘So where do I sign up?’ I hear you thinking. The official website describing all the details is here, there is a Facebook page for you to like (if not love!) here and even a Facebook event here!
Live report: VIS 2015 – Rejuvinated Medical Visualization Tutorial
This year IEEE VIS (the conference formerly known as VisWeek) 2015 takes place in Chicago, also known as the “Windy City”. On the first day, I attended a very interesting tutorial about medical visualization entitled “Rejuvenated Medical Visualization”. This tutorial was opened by Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, the organizer of this event. He welcomed the audience and introduced the other speakers in the tutorial: Anders Ynnerman, Stefan Bruckner and Helwig Hauser.